Registered 1st day

First of all I want to thank Travian Games for given me such a nice title and for their confidence in me and my work.

I hope that my Corner will be interesting and informative and make the Tournament qualification more fun for you all.

We have an competition… : How many have registered after one week, how many are romans and how many second villages are settled.


The first two is easy but how to get how many seconds? I only check for the first ones usually.

It is said that the amount of gauls is higher the more multies there is.

Vietnam changed their mind and started on .com. Italians showed up on Germany. More about who plays where later.

The maps after one day don’t differs so much. NE is the most popular quad as usual due to all lazy players that prefers simple coordinates.  On Arabia SE is most unpopular in contraction to the others where NW has less population. NE is a bit overpopulated on Russia and on France two big groups have chose the quads opposite to each other.


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