Final 2018/2019 Week 1

Final 2018/2019 Week 1



  • Statistics
  • Second village
  • Auctions
  • Top10
  • Top20




Statistics is from Sunday midnight. We hadn’t passed 8000 players yet but it is notable that that players are really active. The tribes have good proportions too. More romans than usual but it shall be a tribe for more experienced players, which we have a lot of here in Final –  and pretorians is also good defence. Gauls are less than they use to be, probably an effect of the better bot detection tool in combination with less wildcards.



I clearly was wrong about which quad that should be the smallest, but with 2 metas there it might not be so surprising. We have new constellations, but more about that in War diaries that will be posted on on Friday. Let us establish that this years playing field is built for border wars, only in SE we will have fight for the dominance in the quad.

Edit: I prepared this yesterday and today it seems that the meta in NW after a quarrel between Emerik and Cicik now is divided in two parts, Dacia and Turkey. War is promised from both sides.



Second village


Saturday morning before noon we had our first second village, by  a team, Katarina Dacia K, that really know how to do it.


Safiren: This is the third time you are first with second village in Final (2015,2017). How long time did it take?

Gabi: I registered at 14:20 and i have settlers today at 10:40 and settled at 11:21.

Safiren: How much gold did you spend?  and on what?

Gabi: 1900 cages/instants/ books.

Safiren: You chose a 15c 100% close to your spawn, was it to be fastest?

Gabi: That is dacia k zone according to the Meta NW map .

Safiren: So you had a lucky spawn then?

Gabi: I entered after 1:20 hours to be on that zone.

Safiren: I guess you had other accounts helping you to clean, did they buy cages too?How many times did your hero die?

Gabi: It was a team work by 5 accounts. Our hero never died, we lost 15 clubs, we had 115 as most.

Safiren: I read last year’s interview, did you get cp from dailys or did you have to party?

Gabi: No party this year, we got CP day 2.

Safiren: Last year your fields was on level 3.

Gabi: Same level this year.

Safiren:. Do you have the same co-players as last year?

Gabi: Just one – Lucian,  but Tudor, coplayer from Katyusha 2015 returns  :))))

Safiren: Tell us something about your team, age, gender, how long  have you played travian /tourney? What do you do in real life when you’re not playing travian?

Gabi: I’m 31 years old, automation engineer, These is my 5th tournament (2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018), and I started playing travian from 2006. When I’m not playing I spend my time playing football every week at least 1 time and table tennis every 2nd week. Movies and series.

Lucian, 36 years old, mechatronics engineer.These is his 3nd tournament and he started playing travian from 2007.

Tudor 28 years old, freelancer. 3rd final first was 2013. 2008 start playing.

Last Q: What gift do you hope to get from Santa Claus this year?

Gabi: Health and luck and a level 100 ww!


A reward will be posted when I have remembered to bring home envelopes from work..




I counted the seconds two times, first Sunday at noon and I found 30 seconds villages.

I counted again at midnight and now a lot of settlers had been running.


  • 431 second/1000
  • 100 up to 1500
  • 95 up to 2000
  • 107 up to 3000
  • 100 up to 5000
  • 25 up to rank 6662 120 pop


In total 911 second villages

Tuesday morning when the stats was updated again we was up to 2670 as you can see above.

A complete list on who had settled:


Uollas shared their map where the they have their seconds 🙂 They are prepared for a fight against the NW border.






The first auctions

The first 3 gladiator helmets

Gladiator helmet was down to down to 16000 midnight Sunday.




Lordleonidas and Underdog fought for the Top medals on climbers and robbers but Lordleonidas got a third medal on attackers. Well done 🙂


Oops.. wonder where Dacia found all those resources. Climbers list contains nearly only Turkey alliances.





Turkey alliances built up their alliances very fast and it took a while before other alliances managed to climb the list. On Sunday midnight they was still dominating.



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