My S01
Since it is my blog I can enjoy myself with posting what happen to me today. The reason why I haden’t time to post the rest of the reports I […]
About Travian, The Tournament.
Since it is my blog I can enjoy myself with posting what happen to me today. The reason why I haden’t time to post the rest of the reports I […]
Russian WW was most down levelled in beginning but rebuilt and claimed at last 2nd rank. Congrats ! Profile WW WW Troops 5x Buildingplan 1 Buildingplan 2
The South West meta. The bigger part Arabs. Many have contacted me saying that the Top3 don’t show the real ranks. Arabs was some hours before Russians so they should […]
A new meta formed in NE: French, Chinese and Hellas. The Germans decided to not participate. Congrats to you 4th rank! Profile WW WW Troops Architect 3x Buildingplan […]