Evilga’s comics 2
Evilga: So, I finally finished the titanic work on the creation of a second comic book. He is the same curve as the first, and perhaps even crooked, but the true […]
About Travian, The Tournament.
Evilga: So, I finally finished the titanic work on the creation of a second comic book. He is the same curve as the first, and perhaps even crooked, but the true […]
NE We have passed 14.000 players. An early counting of the players: NW 3900, NE 3700, SW 3200, SE 2000. Now we only miss 1000 of m ypredicted players. But […]
The Final have started, a lot of players wanted to start early. The disorders haven’t been more serious than that people have endured them. I saw the russian admin holding […]
The Natar WW When I was talking with a french player about all and nothing I was told how it happened that the Natar WW was implemented. It will not […]
My first interview this server Safiren wrote: Hi! I seethat you have proved that it is possible to build second village inaround 30h. May I ask you some questions? My […]
A story from Russia about planning for Final in Tournament 2013.