Thursday 27 February

Today the last hammer was out on a walk to ML WW, it took down 2 levels and with that the winner of Final 2019/2020 was decided.

In my Corner chat, the players/leaders that have helped me making the Corner during the years, asked each other if anyone had hammers left and the answer was no. They asked for a representative for ML so I invited PoWeR-FuLL and presented him for the others.

He was a bit confused when they started to congratulate him to the victory, thought it still was a bit early. But as they confirmed no more hammers he ended up believing it.

Well, if they don’t steel your building plans, I said.

And the table now. ML in lead. Union and Dacia has not many minutes between them. 10 days left before end if nothing happens to ML’s building plans.

And with that it’s over and out. I will return and do last statistics after end. Probably…

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