The NE quad inhabits of a lot of different nations. The most surprising is that neither Turks or Russians have any alliances there.
The biggest meta consists of players from French, Germany, Italians and parts from the International qualification.
Due to the profiles even the Chinese, Indonesia and Thai is involved.
But – the Asian meta also have connections with Vietnam and they in their turn have connections with the PTBRNL-meta.
Can be interesting this… It was a hard work to do the maps.
French meta 205 players.
Alliance rankings pop: 8 $GOD$-FR.
Defender: 12 $GOD$-FR.
Players rankings pop: 7 Les Valkyries -V- Fr.
Defender: 3 The Winter $GOD$-FR, 10 beyoc L.O.L™FR.
Germany 221 players. WWF# a player on rank 11 defender.
Players rankings attacker: 17 Jaqen h ghar Inc. ®
Defenders: 14 White Shark WWF#
Italians 69 players and DI (International) 95 players.
Alliance ranking defender: 10 the clan.
Players ranking pop: 13 Armoury DI-Hive.
Defenders: 18 Ice the clan.
European meta in total 591 players
Chinese 188 players. , a player on rank 11 attacker.
Alliance rankings defender: 20 NB-3.
Players rankings pop: T.S. MAD
Attackers: 11 microsta @NB-4, 14 Hessen @NB-9
Indonesia 143 players, Thai 89 players.
Alliance ranking defender: 19 @KAK.
Players ranking 9 Jule @KAK
Asian meta (the part in cooperation with European meta) 420 players.
Vietnam meta 262 players.
Alliance rankings defender: 15 VN T@F.
Players ranking pop: 19 NguyenTruongLam VN-FINAL
PTBRNL meta 185 players.
Alliance rankings pop: 16 PT&BR&NL.
Attacker: 16 PT&BR&NL.
In total 447 players
Smaller metas
UF – NF 67 players, UF – SE 51 players, nap with PTBRNL
Alliance rankings pop: 9 UF – SE
Players rankings pop: 11 Das Båt UF – SE
I got a report from Sture, leader in UF – SE. Russians zeroed a Turk 15 c.
Sture and his friends was fast and settled the cropper.
Russians off course got frustrated and tried to zero the impudent swedes – with no luck..
MAD 75 players
PP with friends 107 players