
Artefacts 2014

I wonder if Russian hackers plays Travian? A Russian group is said to be behind the attacks that caused break downs for several internet providers. The attacks is said to be directed to another game company and went on for a couple of days. Bad luck for some of the artifact hunters who couldn’t login when it was time.


Did this affect the conquering of artifacts? Not much. They went away as fast as usual. Last year in ().








The NW meta and Russian meta took most artifacts. NW 12 small, 7 great and 2 uniques. Russians 12 small, 7 great and 1 unique. It’s a bit fun because players from this two metas are those who have complained most how unfair the artifact release was. Maybe Russians is disappointed, last year they took 6 uniques.

NE and SE have several smaller metas and more or less independent allys.

NE-meta: 7 small, 5 great.

Asia: 2 small, 2 great, 2 unique.
Blak Ops: 1 small.

Killer: 1 small.

Arab-meta: 8 small, 4 great.

REV-meta: 3 small, 2 great, 1 unique.
Hellas DT: 1 small, 1 unique.

Hellas: 1 small.

Turkey is still spread over the hole map. They took 1 small in NW, 2 small in NE, 2 small in SW.

So what have happened since I counted the artifacts the first time?


The most small arties is standing still except the ones that are ewxpected to move fast as trainer and storage. REV-meta lost small eyes to HellasDT. As expected the trainer that HellasDT took was forwarded to Russians. Def&Dest took a small storage from Arab meta. Arab meta have lost a fool to russians.

The habit to try to change the fools effect. I’m not sure how it is done but the ones I have counted have use 15-20 tries to get the desired effect.

The first ones that tried this (russians 2012) was banned because their accounts went down to 0 pop in statistics even if profiles showed pop as usual. As it looks that bug is fixed and it still possible to do so that might indicate that the russians was right, they didn’t break the rules. There is an interview in my Corner.


Great and unique arties. Not much movements. Magic Stuff, TP O, conquered the arty village, unique boots. Alone about that method. Congrats, those villages are filled with crannies. Great eyes have moved from NE-meta to an Asian Thailand ally. Not so easy to know if they are friendly with each other or not. Arab is the only ones that moves a great from village to village. The rest chiefs the arty village from each other. If it’s not a strategical movement.


The situation on the server haven’t changed much since beginning. In difference to last time the Grey Zone is nearly deserted. With 8000 players compared with 12000 last Final the map isn’t as overcrowded as 2013. Russians in SW and NW meta in SW took most artefacts. There was ~12% more def in Natar villages compared with last year.

NW must be a peaceful quad even if there have been some confrontations between TP and other allys in the meta, the smallest quad and no enemies except at borders. NW and TP is a strong favorite in endgame. Most populated outer WW is the one at 0/100 to the border to NE. Dacia and TP is building along the border to Grey zone. Also wars at the border to SW. The WW at that border haven’t many villages around.

NE have many nationalities, a real mix, not all friends. Italians have been fighting with TP, Asia concentrates on center. Italians is building around 100/100 (down to 232 pop and together with France around 100/0. The war between Italians and TP makes a possibly coalition between NE and NW unsure. There are also wars at the border against SE.


SE, the only quad with two equal combatants, REV meta and Arab meta, and second in population after restart (usually the smallest quad). The topic about NAP shows up now and then but so far I have strongly hold my opinion that this is a wargame and we are not here to sim as the result should be if we had no enemies. And so we have wars – against France at NE-border although we have French too but they fights at SW border. The French from NE fight against our Italians – lol. In the middle our enemies are the Arabs. The area around 100/-100 is a big cluster af arabs on the rights side and many smaller clusters of REV surrounding them. Two different strategies. Arab meta have more artifacts. REV meta have most croppers. Arabs have a small cluster at border to Grey zone. The outcome of the quad is still unsure.

SW, the biggest quad with Russians dominating. There are still some resistance. Around 0/-100 there are Russians clustered to the left side and UI + REV meta to the right. Russian have also clustered around -100/-100 (down to 222). LAT is going for a Grey zone WW, -5/-11 ad have begin to cluster there.

Russians wants to win the Tournament for a third time and become legends. TP wants to show they are better then Russians and are well organized. Italians for sure want to win again.

I believe that the winner will be the one that builds their WW in the smartest and fasted way. The candidates to victory will be heavily defended. There will not be enough of catas to take them down more then a few levels. To protect buildings planes as well will be needed.

We have 44 days to endgame.


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