Prelaunch interviews

I was asked to do some interviews in waiting for the Final to start. Some willingly share information, others are more carefully about what their planes are. And some are only for fun. Read and enjoy!

I have the joy to give you the most amazing interview with

Evgen-magic leader from Russia

I hope you find is as amusing as I do. All mistakes in translation is my fault.

1.Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final.Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?
Расскажитенам про игроков своего отборочногосервера, которые пойдут на финал. Будетели вы играть единой национальной сборнойили отдельно только игроки с отборочногосервера? Играли ли вы ранее на предыдущихфиналах?

I did not play on qualification server. Play will be in the streamlined scheme: I + my tits.
наотборочном сертом сервере я не играл.Играть будем по уже обкатанной схеме:Я + мои мульты.

2.How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?
Сколькоаккаунтов и в каком секторе планируетсявысадка? 

Planned landing on the North- East in 3001 the number of accounts.
Планируетсявысадка десанта на Северо-Восток вколичестве 3001 аккаунтов.

3.What is the goal for the Final? 
Какиеваши цели на финал? 

The purpose – to buy the whole auction and prevent other players to enjoy it to the full.
Цель– скупить весь аукцион и не датьвозможности другим игрокам пользоватьсяим в полной мере.

4.A special question for you: 
Специальный вопросдля тебя:
Russians often talk about cartoons. How will you use those accounts in the Final?
Русские много говорято мультах. Как вы будете использоватьэти мульты в финале?

I do not know who is saying what , but all of my cartoons – it’s liveplayers . Therefore announced the exact number of accounts, because I know that in my possession is exactly 3000 toons for my account. All cartoons will play for me and send me all the resources . Then I ‘ll make them build a Wonder of the World and they will build it – or suffer the death penalty.
Незнаю, кто и что говорит, но все мои мульты– это живые игроки. Потому и озвучилточное количество аккаунтов, потомучто знаю, что в моем распоряжении ровно3000 мультов + мой аккаунт. Все мультыбудут играть на меня и слать все ресурсымне. Потом я их заставлю строить чудосвета и они его построят – или ихпостигнет смертная казнь.

5.Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you do for your living?How long have you played this game? What do you do when not playing Travian? 
Расскажитенемного о себе и своем аккаунте. Мужчинаили Женщина? Сколько Вам лет? Откуда Вы?Кто Вы вне игры? Как давно Вы уже играетев Травиан? Какие-нибудь хобби, интересывне игры?

I am a man , a descendant of a noble knight of the Order of King Richard. At the time, my ancestor was involved in the Crusades to the promised land, and personally took part in the defense of Jerusalem.He survived by a miracle, and in the course of wandering in the east accidentally stumbled upon the very mines of King Solomon, which no one can find. That’s when he first got rich when he moved all the soil from these mines on a bull cart to a not familiar places that are geographically at a given moment in Siberia.
There, at the confluence of the rivers Ob and Amur in 1980 , I was born. I do not want to give my name, because it will cause a general envy. Even in the Forbes list I have a pseudonym, and not under the real name.Just clarify that my place on the list is – 4. 
I have collected my wealth by chance … Just one day walking along the coast of the Caspian Sea and noticed an abandoned oil platform, even without protection. Assessing the possibilities, I realized that the money for the transportation of this platform I will not suffice. Then I resorted to the services of boatmen who drifted for me this platform on the Volga River to the Baltic Sea, and from there in the same way to the Barents Sea, the most profitable oil field.
Because of this extraordinary step, I had acquired the ownership of more than 30% of global oil reserves. Now I have 3,000 employees working , and which serve as cartoons. If they do not perform their duties, they may be dismissed. If they would let me out, loose an artifact , or to let me be rolled up, then they will be death by Mutambu. 
If someone does not know what a “Mutamba” is, then they should take a tour of anecdotal Russia since the Soviet Union. I myself am not married andi s one of the most eligible bachelors of modernity. In Travian I play in my spare time, I MDM except 1-2 hours a day while I sleep . My hobby is money – and the more of them – the more I like it as a hobby.


Ямужчина, потомок знатного рыцарскогоордена времен короля Ричарда. В своевремя мой предок участвовал в крестовыхпоходах на землю обетованную и личнопринимал участие в защите Иерусалима.Он чудом остался жив и в ходе скитанийпо востоку случайно набрел на те самыекопи царя Соломона, которые никак никтоне может найти. Вот тогда то он и обзавелсяпервым богатством, когда перевез весьгрунт с этих копий на одной бычьейповозке в никому не знакомые места,находящиеся территориально в данныймомент в Сибири. Там же, на слиянии рекАмур и Обь в 1980 году родился я. Не хочуназывать свое имя, ибо это вызоветвсеобщую зависть. Ведь даже в спискеФорбс я числюсь под псевдонимом, а непод реальным именем. Только уточню, чтомой номер в этом списке – 4. Свое богатствоя нажил благодаря случаю… Просто однаждыпрогуливался вдоль побережья Каспия изаметил на море брошенную нефтянуюплатформу, даже без охраны. Оценив своивозможности, я понял, что денег натранспортировку этой платформы мне нехватит. Тогда я прибег к услугам бурлаков,которые от дрейфовали мне эту этуплатформу по реке Волге до Балтики, аот туда таким же образом в район Баренцеваморя, на самое доходное месторождениенефти. Благодаря этому своему неординарномушагу, я заполучил в собственность более30% общемировых запасов нефти. Сейчас уменя трудятся 3000 сотрудников, которыеи выполняют роль мультов. Если они невыполняют свои обязанности, то могутбыть уволены. Если они позволят украстьу меня артефакт или допустят, чтоб меняскатали, то их ждет смертная казнь черезмутамбу. Если кто не знает, что такое«мутамба», то им стоит совершить экскурсв анекдотическую Россию времен СССР.Сам я не женат и потому являюсь однимиз самых завидных женихов современности.В травиан я играю в свободное время,котрого у меня бывает по 1-2 часа в сутки,пока я сплю. Мое хобби – деньги, и чембольше их – тем больше нравится мне этохобби.



Djeb leader from Russia


 1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?
Расскажите нам про игроков своего отборочного сервера, которые пойдут на финал. Будете ли вы играть единой национальной сборной или отдельно только игроки с отборочного сервера? Играли ли вы ранее на предыдущих финалах?

The team will be assembled from ru- and com-qualifying servers. This year I did not participate in any of them: boring. This time there will no a ru-team, and I think everyone already knows about it. Previously, I played on a com-qualifying server as the head of the winning team (Solar Coalition). Also took part in the Tournament.
Команда будет собрана из игроков русского и комовского отборочных серверов, в этом году я не принимал участия ни в одном из них: скучно. В этот раз не будет единой команды от рузоны; думаю, все уже об этом знают. Ранее я играл на ком-отборке предыдущего Турнира в качестве главы победившей команды (Солнечная коалиция). Также принимал участие и в самом Турнире.

2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?
Сколько аккаунтов и в каком секторе планируется высадка?

From 3 to 57 people. Traditionally for me, it will be the South-West.
От 3 до 57 человек. Традиционно для меня, это будет Юго-Запад.

3. What is the goal for the Final?
Какие ваши цели на финал?

To kill everybody.
Пиздец арабам.

4. A special question for you: If you still plan to land in SW will arabs be a satisfying opponent?
Специальный вопрос для тебя: будут ли арабы удовлетворительным соперником?

I know nothing about them.
Я ничего о них не знаю.

5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game? What do you do when not playing Travian?
Расскажите немного о себе и своем аккаунте. Мужчина или Женщина? Сколько Вам лет? Откуда Вы? Кто Вы вне игры? Как давно Вы уже играете в Травиан? Какие-нибудь хобби, интересы вне игры?

Male. 28 years. Ukraine, Donetsk-city. Administrative director of Logistics. Playing Travian till 2008. The game is a hobby, all the free time I spend with my family.
Парень. 28 лет. Украина, город Донецк. Работаю административным директором в логистической компании. В Траве с 2008 года. Игра и есть хобби, всё свободное время посвящаю семье. 




You should know the questions by now. Here is the answers from 

Cthulhu leader from Russia

answers only in english. I don’t dare to translate..

1.Just three words – DS, Hamsters, Enola – I think it is answer to all ur questions. 
All the rest of it – inside information

2.You will see it at the start of the tournament

3.Destruction, domination, ????, PROFIT

4.A special question for you: 
Специальный вопросдля тебя:
You have a Hamster as symbol, hamsters are cute. On the russian forum you are both sarcastic and rude. That is not cute ^^ So why did you chose a hamster?
У вас есть хомяк, как символ, xомяки являются хорошими. На русскомфоруме вы оба полны сарказма, вы грубы- это не хорошо. Почему вы выбрали хомяков

What? I’m almost like a f-ng Mother Teresa of ru-zone.
And yes, I’m rude, cool, cute, evil, good – different. I will be such as you wish, if u sacrifice a young virgin for me. Want a role-plaing? Oh no, dont think seriously about it, I’m joking.

Quote from a classic movie:
Colonel: You write “Born to Kill” on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What’s that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?
Private Joker: I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir.
(с)Full Metal Jacket

5.I wrote it in previous interviews, and anyway everyone knows me.
ps: sorry for my bad english. Translators – for losers.




Watcher leader from Russia


Hi Safiren!

1. We didn`t play qualification server. We will have some qotes from 2012 Championship + we will have qotes from our friends which played qualification but won`t play Final + little part we`ll get from wild cards. We will play as a national team – that is the main reason of my playing as a single player and that is why I start to accumulate people. We want to play for our country.

Мы не играли на отборочном сервере. Часть квот на чемпионат мы получим с прошлого чемпионата + часть нам дадут наши знакомые которые играли на отборочном + часть будем выбивать в лотерее. Играть мы будем только национальной командой, это основная причина по которой я решил сыграть как игрок, и именно поэтому я стал собирать коллектив на чемпионат.

2. Now we have something about 90-120 accounts. Maybe someone will join in last days.
We decided to play on NE.

В настоящее время у нас 90-120 аккаунтов, возможно кто то присоединится в последние дни. Играть мы будем на СВ

3. The main goal for Final is to do show ))) As many offensive operations as we could. We don`t have enough players for win this final, but I think some groups of RUS allies will join as later. Then we will play for WW.

Основной целью на финал будет – шоу. Как можно больше офф-операций. 
В настоящее время мы не располагаем необходимым количеством аккаунтов чтоб победить, но наверняка будут группы русских которые стартуют отдельно, я думаю они смогут в конце присоединиться к нам для игры на победу.

4 Travian need new leaders and you are trying to be one. Do you find it difficult to communicate with the old ones?
Travian нужны новые лидеры, и вы пытаетесьбыть одним из них. Вы думаете, что общениесо старыми лидерами трудно? 

4. Why do you think i`m a new leader? It is wrong, i was one of the NE leaders on Europian Championship 2011. I didn`t play for over 1,5 years. After Final I will stop.
I know many russian leaders and we are able to communicate with most of them.

Почему вы думаете что я новый игрок? Это не так. На ЧЕ 2011 я был в составе руководителей на СВ. 
Не играл 1.5 года и после этого финала опять перестану. 
Я знаком с большинством руководителей ру-тим и мы способны договариваться между собой.

5. I am a male, 31 years old. I live in Moscow now, borned in Rostov-on-Don region. Playing travian since 2007. In my real life im a heating engineer. My little daughter is my main hobby ))) + i have very funny dog (that is my second hobby). Sometimes i could do roller-skate in my free time.

Если кому то интересно, переведут самостоятельно =)

P.S. Thanks Safiren.




Dumby, diplomat from France

1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?

As last year, a « french speakers » meta will rise in this TT. Few players/alliances will play for themselves, but the majority are in this meta. We have new players and players from TT 2012

2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?

We will land in a sector where russians will land too and we will fight them.
Hundreds of accounts, we dont know exactly how many (and even if we do, we wont tell to you ^^).
3. What is the goal for the Final?
4. A special question for you: You played the last Final. What is your strongest memory?
I have two :
Best : Last TT was the first time we succeed to have a united FR team ! And a strong team btw ! One of the main opponents for russians. It was a very intensive and interesting server.
Worst : Russians are the bests in all sectors. I just dont understand why they have to cheat for an easier win…They can win without. For example, ennemies activity bots is a reality, not a rumour, they know when you are online or not. I hope TG and russians leaders work hard to stop that, its not good for this tournament.
5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you?
Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game?
What do you do when not playing Travian?

Hi, Im Dumby, co-foundator of the fr meta with Axiomalis and communication manager. Im a 25 yo male and im single ! Im French and a real estate agent in Lyon. I play Travian since eight years now, with many breaks ! I was in the leadership of the last FR-meta. When I dont play Travian, I work and when I dont work and dont play travian, i eat and sleep ! 🙂




Solani, winner of .br

 1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?

1. Many of the allies will go to the Final, I have made great friendships because the union had made the victory of qualifying possible for us.

2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?

2. I do not know the number of accounts, but if I decide to go again it will be in NW.
3. What is the goal for the Final?

3. I want to repeat the previous Top 20 General, attack defense, buildings and hero.


4. A special question for you: This server was last to end. The Natars didn’t win, you did. Can you tell us about it?
4. We use five attackers to completely destroy the world wonder enemy, so take a big step way to victory. Still at the end of the server remained around 25 attackers, so I think even if Natars reached the 100 level our alliance would be victorious.
5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you?
Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game?
What do you do when not playing Travian?

5. I am General Sales coordinator in a network of stores, designer clothing, pieces of self worth. I am Brazilian, I study to a degree in computer engineering, I am 22..
I played travian since version 2.0 in pt1, if I’m not mistaken in 2007.
My account has been doing a good job in multiple servers, if I’m not mistaken in the hall of fame on all servers that Brazilians played in some Portagal, and several in China.



Cristi Chifan, leader from Romania

1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allies from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?

We have qualified from Balkan qualification server. We’ll play as national team; perhaps our goals will be the same with the ones of international Meta we might be part o if there will be one… Some of us (RO players) were involved on previous final(s).

2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?

There are 200-300 accounts (we have the exact number of qualified accounts, but we are not 100% sure how many will start the final). On the last final and on Balkan server we played on SE.

3. What is the goal for the Final?
There is no other goal than victory. RU team won first two finals, wind of change is coming. This is about my team’s goal. From my point of view, I’m always looking for travian glory for me and for my team. A nice offensive plan, a great defensive action, defeating a smart adversary, opponents recognition, respect from my guys – all those stuff are motivating me to still play travian. “Honor, integrity and pride – the way of the warrior” – this is my motto.

4. A special question for you: I played a Romanian classic server 2012. Very few used Skype. The most allies relayed on in game messages. Communication is very important in travian. How do you communicate with your players in Final?
I heard about this cliché (Romanian players are not using skype) trough a few years and it’s  a non-sense. Matter a fact, skype or messengers are used a lot on Romanian travian community. I supposed you were just avoided (language barrier) or maybe you were part of a wrong group/ally from that server. Anyway travian is almost death on RO domain (as almost everywhere). Is not like on the past when travian was played also for socialiation. Meanwhile, Facebook was invented.
However, I have colleagues who are spending more time on skype, speaking about travian, than playing travian. There are multiple chat rooms, for different levels (regular players or leaders), forums or blogs. Personally, I prefer old school igm’s and I’m trying to avoid skype as much as possible . Just to not spend time on some unnecessary discussions. All the time we have on our disposal the phones. We can call/text each other in case of an emergency. We know the communication is essential on travian, so we are using all available tools for this (skype included).

5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you?  Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game?  What do you do when not playing Travian?

I’m known as fanezu on RO domain. I have used different names for my accounts since 2006 when I start playing this game. On this final I’ll play on a new formula, trying to be online 24/7. We are three (2 mo’fo’s and a lady) and did not decide yet about account name.
I’m male, 37 years, from Bucharest, Romania. Working on IT, private company. I use to quit travian almost yearly. But after few weeks of break I’m back on business. There remains only one challenge for me in this game: to stop the Russian hegemony on the finals.
I enjoy spending quality times with my family (I’m married with a child), so I really hope to dedicate them all my free time, starting with next spring.

Hoping in a fair game, on a bug-free server, let the best team win this final.
Good luck!




Kaśka. Leader from Poland 

1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?
The Polish team is not going to consist of one coalition (Our Slavic temperament can’t survive one leadership). But we are going to the finals as one representation, with the same strategy and aims. Personally, that’s what I find essential.
I will be playing in an ally that won the Polish qualification server. There weren’t a lot of us, but we had training throughout the whole server playing as two alliances against the rest. There were many interesting off and def operations which we will hopefully be able to recreate in the finals. Not all my players played in the finals. Some of them are new to the game, some of them played only on Polish servers and some played on com servers but not in the tournaments. A lot of great Polish players have quit playing, but hopefully the new generation can represent us with the same dignity.

2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?
It’s hard to estimate the exact number of the Polish accounts. I’d prefer more players per account than a lot of single player accounts. I think that there will be circa 300 active Polish accounts. The sector is still a subject up for debate. Currently we are resting after the server. The info where we’re going to land will be revealed on our forum when we reach a final decision.

3. What is the goal for the Final?
My goal for the finals is: Take more villages than lose. I don’t like others taking my villages cause I build them in a way that every building is in the same place 🙂
But seriously: A good off strategy. We’re good at playing off on Polish servers, it’s high time we show what we can do in the finals. Good off and def coordination and what I want the most; great fun and an admirable representation (I want Poland and Poles to be seen in positive light, respected and associated with only good things by travian players)

4. A special question for you: On the russian forum polacks are always mentioned with great respect. Have Poland played with Russians earlier or have you always fighted them?
It’s pretty similar on the Polish forum – Poles treat Russians with respect. Russians like Kroka, Caesar-Rima, Anykey and others post on our forum, I also posted on the Russian forum. Kroka had once made a funny sentence and wrote about “eating Polish capitals” which immediately entered the Polish travian jargon 🙂 Russians are the best enemies, the champions. Playing against them is a pleasure. They had defeated us but even when we were almost on our knees we fought back. Cause that’s what the game is all about – fighting till the very end. We have never played with them. The Lithuanians are worth mentioning. We played against them in polish qualification server 2012. The Polish team won’t play with the Ru- team simply because there are too many of them and that takes all the fun out of the game. But who knows, maybe one day we will play together (When certainly will not be Ru -team). In conclusion, we have always played against Russia. Some Polish players play with them. It’s their choice and I’m fine with it. I only have a problem with it when they play with the Polish team but for Russia. But that’s a whole different story.

5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game? What do you do when not playing Travian?
Female. I’ve been 25 for some time now and I don’t plan on changing that number anytime soon 😀 I’m from Poland. I live in the land of a thousand lakes (as Poles call it) – Warmia and Masuria; imo the most beautiful part of Poland.I’m a lawyer, my work consists of writing and overlooking projects funded by the EU, investment projects, management training, entrepreneur training etc. Besides work, I engage in community organizations; I deal with international cooperation in fields like tourism, human rights and ecology. Besides work and travian I enjoy learning languages, reading and singing (although when it comes to singing, though the end result is not always as it should be, it’s what my soul needs 😛 ) I’ve been playing travian since 2009 and I need the game to relax- one can steal, kill and demolish capitals here 😛





The Doctor, leader from Russia


1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?
2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?

Расскажите нам про игроков своего отборочного сервера, которые пойдут на финал. Будете ли вы играть единой национальной сборной или отдельно только игроки с отборочного сервера? Играли ли вы ранее на предыдущих финалах?
Сколько аккаунтов и в каком секторе планируется высадка?


I think that it will be first server without great and dangerous USSR+RU, so it’s chance for others
I hope we’ll see several russian teams. First of all great old team with Hamsters, DS, Enola etc. on NW (~450-500 accounts and they played on TT_2011 & TT_2012). Second will be other russians on NE (may be ~ 350-600 accounts) – it’s new RU-team. And we’ll see small russian team on SW (some players from Solar Coalition) but they won’t be serious (40-100 accounts)

Maybe I’ll be on SE with 50-150 accounts. It’s old alliance from com-servers and i think we’ll play against all for fun and definitely will play against russians and may be with com-team
But quads can be changed by some reasons for all teams

Я думаю это будет первый сервер без великой и опасной USSR+RU, таким образом это шанс для остальных национальных сборных
Надеюсь мы увидим несколько русских команд. прежде всего старая великая команда с Hamsters, DS, Enola и т.д. на СЗ. (~450-500 аккаунтов и они играли на TT_2011 & TT_2012). Во-вторых остальные русские на СВ (возможно от 350 до 600 аккаунтов) – это обновленная RU-team. И мы увидим маленькую русскую команду на ЮЗ (часть игроков из Solar Coalition) но их нельзя воспринимать всерьез (40-100 accounts)

Я планирую играть на ЮВ старым альянсом (50-100 аккаунтов), возможно с ком-тим
Но зоны высадки для всех команд по разным причинам могут поменяться

3. What is the goal for the Final? 
Какие ваши цели на финал?

Play for fun and maybe WW_100 with my old friends from .com (they never played Finals)
Play for fun и может быть ЧС_100 с моими старыми товарищами из зоны .com (они никогда не играли на Турнирах)

4. A special question for you: Last time you hided as Los Vagabondos. Many believed for a long time that you were spanish. What will you do this time?
Специальный вопрос для тебя: На последнем Турнире вы скрывались под именем  Los Vagabundos. Очень многие в течение длительного времени думали что вы испанцы. А что будет в этот раз?

This time we will be a team of Luxembourg or Monaco , have not decided yet .
В этот раз мы будем командой Люксембурга или Монако, еще не решили.

5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game? What do you do when not playing Travian?
Расскажите немного о себе и своем аккаунте. Мужчина или Женщина? Сколько Вам лет? Откуда Вы? Кто Вы вне игры? Как давно Вы уже играете в Травиан? Какие-нибудь хобби, интересы вне игры?

Male. 34 years old. Doctor (Urologist) from Moscow – Russia We play as team on our account (2 boys and girl) I played from T1 version and may be I’m oldest russian player in travian
Мужчина. 34 года. Врач (уролог) из Москвы На нашем аккаунте нас трое (2М+Ж)

Давно уже играю в травиан, возможно самый древний из русских




Malek from Arabs Eminates Arabia


1. Tell us about the players from your server that will join the Final. Will you play as a nation or will the allys from qualification play for themselves? Have they played the Final before?

Our players can’t wait until the beginning of the finals , this time the we’ll be organized and that will reflect on us in the server , because we were able to arrange ourselves into the perfect shape for this finals.
In the finals SA and EA alliances will represent the unity of the Arabs Emirates Arabia and we, will represent the Arabs, there are players and big players will participate in this finals, some of them got the chance to play in the last finals , and some of them will participate for the first time.

2. How many accounts will it be and in which sector will your ally land?

We don’t have an exact number of our players, but in the next few days we’ll have a good idea of our numbers, we’ll go down in the southwest , and we will seek to spread our power in this region.

3. What is the goal for the Final?

We want to win this finals, everyone have the right to try, but if we don’t win we would like to give a great battle to the last breath.

4. A special question for you: All says that arabs have much oil and therefor can buy a lot of gold. Is that true?

We have oil in the Gulf region in general, but the money from selling the oil does not go to the people buckets , but goes to the goverment treasury, life in the Arab Gulf countries. Stable in terms of work and salaries , there are Arabs of different nationalities living in this area and they are receiving good salaries , make them able to buy gold.
Of course the amount of buying gold vary from player to another , there are players spend huge amounts of money, and there are players who spend reasonable amounts , but the average monthly among the Arab players $ 75/month.

5. Tell us something about yourself and your account. Male or female? How old are you? 
Where are you from? What do you do for your living? How long have you played this game? What do you do when not playing Travian?
My name is Malek , I have multiple accounts names in the world of  SA Travian I didn’t keep one name, I’m a member of the Leadership Council in charge of the Arab players. I am a 21 male ,  from Saudi Arabia. I am an employee in SABIC and a college student , studying accounting. I have played Travian almost 7 years., stopped playing 5 years ago for two years, then I continued playing until now , I’m interested in gaming in general. I spend my time between  PlayStation and xbox , and I watch the European leagues football Italian , French , English and Spanish.
I  play football from time to time  and I’m really into reading and acknowledging new information from book or the internet .


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