I said that I would post NorthWest before endgame starts, well it’s still some hours left… When endgame starts I will not be able to provide you with reports due to the confed system so I hope to see that you post them yourselves =)
The NW meta consists of 3 bigger groups, Exodus, Dacia, Smurfs, and one smaller from different servers. In total 814 players. I included Thai in the NE analysis, they also have to be counted in even if they haven’t done operations together. NW meta also have had an NAP with Union in SW which of course have let them concentrate on the enemies in NE.
The inquad enemies haven’t been able to cause much disturbance, too week and not enough organized.
Only 240 players will be able to participate in the fight for victory, which leaves a lot of players outside in the end, not so fun for them. Even if the confed system has several positive effects I wonder if it really is the best format for Final. Players will not feel that they have been able to contribute as before and that might lead to less interest to play Tournament.
Exodus with Emerik, Teuton Steel, in lead took the border position and have firsthanded fighted the Uollas, Wallace, NØA alliances at the border. The little Danish ally in specially have had an intensive server inside NE.

Statistics. Done the latest days but have ofc changed by now. In Chiefed and Lost have I counted the top alliances.
Due to this statistics Exodus seems ta have had the upper hand in the border war.
Exodus; Cheifed: friendly 27, Uollas meta 109, H~FR 23, Turks 46.
Lost: Uollas meta 7
Exodus A; Chiefed: unknown (players without alliance) 23, H~FR 20, Turks 19 SPQR 15, internal 10.
Lost: SPQR 4
Exodus Z; Chiefed: internal 17, H~FR 5, SPQR 6. Lost: UollasL 2
Exodus DT; Chiefed: Uollas meta 25, Internal 6 ( chiefed villages changes owner). Lost: Uollas meta 8

Interview with Ulrik, Canis Lupus, in ExodusDT
- Tell us about yourself and your alliance. Male/female, age, profession. What to you do when you’re not playing Travian? Do you have duals?
How long have you/your alliance played in the Tournament? Where does your alliance come from? Have you played together before?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Hey all! My name is Ulrik and my account (single) is Canis Lupus, from the alliance ExodusDT aka Danish Troublemakers (DT), and I am the Mascot. I am +40 Danish, and I am at current living in Sweden. I have a Master Degree in Marketing. I am self-employed and I work with online Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. I have been playing Travian on and off for 8 years.
In 2018 I bumped into a group of Danish players on the finals and joined them late in G&V where they got beaten pretty well up under the Greek management. They have played together for several years but they welcomed me with open arms. The following years on the qualifications and finales I promoted myself to be the Mascot for DT.
- What do you know about other quads and what is happening there? In which order would you say the metas has best chance of winning?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Our info in ExodusDT is limited because we are only a small piece of the big puzzle in NW. We follow the statistics articles in the forums but it is difficult to make a prediction who have the upper hand. Last year DT was part of Ru-team/Bad international and in the past they always play a strong game so Russian will probably be a front runner again followed close by Exodus+friends(NW) + ITA(NE). Have no clue about SE (sorry)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… - Your opinion about the other alliances in your own quad? Turks, French, Latins? And the Pharaohs? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………We (ExodusDT) respect our opponents in travian – even if get cata’s or lose city’s . Its just a game..We get it there is much trash talking on the forum and many point fingers of each other. Not everybody hate everybody on the opposite teams/meta’s . In ExodusDT we just want to have fun and get be entertained – that’s is why we play travian. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Who are your favourite enemy/alliance and why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Our favorite enemy have been UollasL+ NØA+Wallance because we have settled on the border to NE close to them. We have had some intense fights about the area for the first 100 days together with Exodus. At the beginning of the server ExodusDT was clearly they laughing stock on the border to NE but I guess the “the wise boys/girls” have stopped laughing. It just awesome and a victory for ExodusDT that our map is like “the blue ocean on the The Italian Riviera” 😉. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Is this confed system fit in Tournament? Which changes would you like to see? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..I see the point with the confed system but It have some flaws. Under attacks many accounts jumps alliance/confed for a short period of time to receive more defensive troops and then the return after the attack, but in my opinion this undermine the concept with the confed system. It might be an idea to introduce a rule that you cannot receive defensive troops from a new alliance if you are under attack or that an ally change would result in being in some kind of no man’s land for 12hours. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- About the players average skills. Have they increased or decreased during the last years? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..The finale is pretty intense, demanding a lot of online time, and the players level is still higher than regular servers. Maybe the average skills is getting slightly higher year by year but I think is due to fewer new players playing the finals. And with the new wave builder feature, travian has almost killed the challenges of attacking and defending. As a final comment, I thought the number of tech accounts has been disturbing on this finale. A regular gold user account will never get an equal start on the server as a gold user with 2-10 or more private tech accounts and this difference will just getting bigger day by day. The fact is, one can argue that the skills of the player makes no difference anymore, the crucial thing is how many tech accounts the player control.
So Safiren you have forgotten to ask me the the most important question of them all. Do you want to play the next qualification and finals? And the short answer is No – why should I? the challenges are gone, is becoming more expensive due to fewer players, and if you do not control 2-5 tech accounts you have already lost.
/Roger over and out / Canis Lupus aka the mascot from ExodusDT
The Romanian players have splitted, part due to the new confed system and part because of grudges between leaders. A while ago they had one more split when Dacia T become renegades due to internal problems.
Dacia have been building along the border to SW, could have been nice fights there if it hasn’t been for the NAP with Union.

Dacia NV; Chiefed: LAT-U1 62, unknown 20, Internal 26.
Lost LAT-U1 4
Dacia H; Chiefed: Internal 9, Antarcti 9, Dacta T 5.
Lost Ottomans 10.
Dacia NV1; Chiefed: Internal 16, LAT-U1 10, Turks 4.
Lost: ND 8 (Players started in wrong quad?)

Interview with Christi on cristyytziri in DaciaH
- Hi. My name is Cristi and I am a 29 male from Cluj-Napoca Romania. I am working in computer science. When I don’t play travian I am usually with my family reading stories to my kids or spending time with my wife. This server I played alone on my account. Dacia has been around for multiple final tournaments and personally this is the 4th final that I play with Dacia. Dacia is a Romanian alliance and I have played with some of the players from Dacia H before this server but some were also new additions for this server.
2. NE is composed of Italians, Arabs, Greeks, Czech, French and Croatian if I am not mistaken. They were the primal enemies for our NW meta this year.
SW is mainly composed of the Russians and their allies but there were some Germans and Chinese players who tried to pose some trouble for them but I guess in the end they were not able to withstand the Russians. Congrats anyway for trying to oppose them.
SE is a quadrant that I have the least info about since we didn’t really have a lot to deal with (opposite side of the map from us). They were having inquadrant fights for a long time if I remember correctly.
4. If I were to make some predictions for who the endgame race will end up I would suppose that the Russians will win because they managed to suppress the Germans and Chinese players rather quickly and with few losses and then they were able to focus on their endgame (wwk and deff). NW meta and NE meta had more actions between them so their deff should be expected to be less than the Russians (but then again the NE meta didn’t do a lot of off actions). SE is still a puzzle and we can see how well they will manage to cooperate in the endgame.
Then again the new confederation system will play a big role in how the endgame race will present itself. Now technically smaller teams will have bigger chances than before since there could be only 240 accounts supporting the WWTurks were definitely weaker than last year.
3. French and Latinos were not really a problem from my point of view. Pharaoh had an interesting concept that they managed to play out well and pose some problems to some Vietnam players in our meta and also to some dacia players who settled to far out in that zone.
The Russians are certainly something that cannot be underestimated. I will never forget the finals from two years ago where we fought side by side whole server (Dacia K vs Winter) in the BP/unique artifacts zone of nw quadrant. Having enemy catas at 20-30 minutes away was not an easy thing to handle… Also having the only off village in the – 35/4 BP zone in between 300 Russian villages and missing out on it for 1-2 minutes still stings a bit… But this is what I can appreciate about travian and about good enemies… They keep you on your toes and force you to become better.
5. Confederation system is from my point of view an easy fix to the bug experienced in the past. This is limiting the abuses that we have seen previously and also limits to a greater extent the deff that can support a WW. Personally I think that it is not the best solution for this dying travian format but who am I to make such drast accusations…
6. Average people skill is either declining or kept stagnant by a few very good players who raise the bars very berry high. You don’t see new players very often in travian because of the fact that the new generation is not interested in this game type/format anymore and the old school players are quitting or their time doesn’t allow them to play like they used to. Furthermore I was trying to compare for example the different travian formats that we had in the past and I for one had a lot more fun with a RoA server than in any classic travian server for a long time. Classic travian servers tend to get rather doll because everyone is trying to gather a large meta and make peace with as many people as they can (take the NE meta for example). If you do that 90% of the server is idle and boring… I guess this is why people are not attracted to the game anymore. If I compare this to the RoA server I tried a few years back… There is not even a shred of doubt where I had more fun. The RoA format encourages more active style of play with a lot more attacks and relocations whereas the classic stype has devolved into a settle in an area, sim, train army, attack/defend rarely kind of a gameplay. Sure the addition of the new races has brought a change in the already well known tactics but maybe a little more stirring in the pot would be beneficial. But then again… What do I know. I’m just one player.
Smurfs and their associated won the Russian qual and now they want to win the Final too 🙂 Well situated around the primary WW at -100/100.

Smurfs R ; Chiefed: Unknown 9, Latins 8, Internal 6, Turks 4.
Lost: SPQR, Turks and FL 2 each.
Rush S; Chiefed: Latins 54, Turks 52, FL 28, FR 26, Unknown 22, Internal 13.

Interview with Audrius from Azrael in SMURFS R
1. Hello, I’m Audrius(26), I do play under the duo account named Azrael together with Vilma, who was the originator of it in qualifications. I work in economics field and outside of travian the casual…: sports, traveling, hiking, hanging out with friends. I joined Smurfs last finals after 7 year hiatus from travian, but was one of the people who deleted when roll-back fiasco happened and Vilma keeps joking that I never finished a server. Vilma, herself, joined Smurfs during previous qualifications then they started gathering people.
As for Smurfs history, well its not so deep. As I mentioned, main core formed under Russian meta(Gargamel, VAZ 2101, cobra11, ofi and few others) and decided to prove that Lithuanian players are capable to stand on their own in international scene. As for Rush its an alliance made out of two competive alliances in Lithuanian server but decided to merge to test out waters internationally, firstly they won com3 server and headed to finals where they wanted to form a strong team out of all Lithuanias better players but failed because of ego clash, so they ended up joining it under CUP flag, which to some extent failed but gave them plenty of valuable experience.
This qualifications both alliances decided to form a coalition which ended up victorious in GroupB. Majority of Smurfs and Rush players come from Lithuania, but we have few international players as well. Player circle in Lithuania is not that great, so yes, most players bumped into each other in one or another occasion. As a whole team, no – its just finals now. Previously core played in few Lithuanian servers and one German server.
2. Everyone has issues, us being no exception, but that’s the question… Who can bounce back after the best, put their differences aside and focus on the finishing line. Having that in mind, Russian quadrant probably has least internal issues, but how everyone else does was definitively not our main concern being in WW area. It would be relatively stupid to not put ourselves at the top as that’s basically the purpose of the game: to win. So if I had to rank it: Our, NW meta Russians quadrant, Uollas meta, ML meta
3. Considering Turks and Latinos “mini” meta tried to populate our area, we know them the best out of all. It looked bit concerning at the beginning, but after first week of clearing we knew there would not be much struggle in WW area and Gargamel did a great job basically solo wiping 2 alliances which settled around his cap. FL6 (one of Latinos alliances) seems to be most stubborn in staying, while everyone already left they still try to fight the battle they have no tools to fight in and basically sacrifice their members and their drive to play for no reason. Which from one point I respect, from another… Well… lets just say I’m thankful for all the villas they donated to us. Some of our members clash with FR a bit, but we did not consider them huge threat in any point so I can’t comment on it much. And Pharaohs.. Yes, we know who they are and what is their sole purpose in that area. We had our “honor” to play with them in qualifications (they are other Lithuanians), they do have unique mindset and in the end tried to change the outcome of the server by stealing our plan at the last minute. They chose 1 villa strategy to be bit more annoying this round as I seen. However, as of now, they have to deal with other meta alliances as well and basically targets only tech accounts occasionally.
4. I bet most of Smurfs would say Turks as favourite enemy, as they are responsible for quite a few funny stories and logs. One being their scarcity of rams for few finals in a row now. As of favourite, personally, probably PoweR, at least from outside they seem as pretty chill and gathered up alliance.
5. To some extent yes, it brings more strategy and different approach to the endgame, some metas will probably try to risk more than others in abusing some mechanics. I would prefer travian team being more transparent and more engaging with community regarding changes, the game is dying down, and I bet there will be even less players as we progress. Plus I strongly disagree on them implementing drastic changes during finals, which they sadly do. It can cause huge bugs and in general change flow of the server drastically.
6. We have a disagreement with Vilma on this one, I believe that it is decreasing as more and more great players either did slow down on their tempo or left in general, new ones can’t fill shoes which were left as of now, they lack experience and Travian is not newbie friendly especially community wise. Vilma believes, that players constantly find new ways on improving and skill wise everyone is improving from previous servers, which makes sense, as the community is not growing but shrinking (no new players who would bring the scale down).
Other meta
Here we have the Ukrainians, Hungarians, Vietnams and the international alliance L9.

L9; Chiefed: Unknown 44, Turkey 34, FR 30, Latins 24, Dacia T1 18, Internal 5.
Lost , CS 5, Turkey 3.
HUN; Chiefed: Turkey 27, Fr 20, Antarcti 17, SPQR 25,, Internal 22.
Lost SPQR 12
777; Chiefed: Merak 16, ITUR W@R 14, Internal 5.
Viet Nam; Chiefed: Sloveni 12, Unknown 8, Internal 4.
Lost: Sloveni 14, X3 5,

Interview with Adam on Baal from HUN
My name is Baal, Official Leader/Diplomat/System Lord for HUN team. We are a small group from Hungary. Our players always changing but we the leaders and some players are always the same. For this finals we united our forces with -GS-(Guerilla Squad). They are very strong and good players with unmatched morale. My real name is Adam (the first man) a Male 21 years old Car mechanic. When I’m not playing travian I’am working, enjoying my free times, driving our cars with my friends for fun. I have never played in Dual account before, next time maybe we will unite 2 or 3 account.. don’t know.
Our team playing on tournament maybe for 4 years in row, so I think we have a some experience so far.
Where can I start it?
Each Metas has the possibility to take the victory.
NE is controlled by Uollas meta. Italians and their friends and playing close to the center and borders to secure their quadrant from other enemy teams. Fighting with Exodus and other italians at the same time… it looks very hard. While arabians and turk team building hammers in peace with tons of multi/bot/tech accounts.
SE was splitted to 2 parts, INT alliance and friends vs ML arabian and friends. they fought against each other. Until they made a non-agressive pact. …But this SE inner war was for no sense because they lost advantages to win this finals every single day when they killed each other armies.
And finally SW, Russia…. They are very quiet in this year. as far as I know there are missing a very serious team name BAD. I hope they will start again in the next year. Only this year finals we can see Russia vs Germany, and looks like the russians are overpowering them.
If we look close and counting on everything we can make a possible list with metas beacause its impossible to know who will win… I hope our Meta from NW will do!
When this server started we thought, our game will be very hard like hell but Turk alliances were defeated long ago. Tirsin Ulan and his team (bot team?) were settled to NW above everyone. Maybe NE Meta sent them to here, to slow even more stop us?…. I don’t know They whole presence on NW is still a question for me.
French and Latins also tried the same. luckily they were not enough to stop or slow NW meta.
Pharaohs… where are they? They were settled far far away from center. Viet nam confronted with them mostly.
Our favourite enemy is definitely the Italians. We played against them on qualy maybe 2 years ago, and now on this finals. I hope we will see each others in the future as friends or enemy.
If you ask my opinion: This new confed system is not working good on the Finals. Reducing 1000 players to 240 who are able to send defense and resources into the WW. With this movement they simple hardened the WW builders and whole Metas work even more hard.
So lets say it was not the best idea.
Undoubtedly! For example we have a player who is growing even stronger after every server. made mistakes…huge mistakes but learn from them. This is beautiful or not? But we can say this for other players also. I hope we will become more stronger for next qualy!
Other alliances
The other alliances in NW haven’t had much impact on the game. Many of the members has deleted, 316 players left.

LAT-U1; Chiefed: Dacia 4, Smurfs 2, Anatolia 2.
Lost: Dacia 74, Rush S 54, Smurfs R 24, L9 15.
Antarcti; Chiefed: Turkey 21
Lost: HUN 17, TH-TT 11, Dacia 9, L) 8.
Merak; Chiefed: Antarcti 5.
Lost: 777 16, Dacia NV, Exodus 18, DaciaNV 15
Dacia T; Chiefed: Unknown 14, Internal 23, Ottomans 7, Dacia NV 5.
Lost: L9 6, Exodus 5, Viet Nam 4.
Ottomans; Chiefed: Dacia 13, BG team 4.
Lost: Dacia T 7, Dacia/Exodus 10, BG team 4.

WW stats
And soon we will know who will be able to start building…