Week 14 – 19 February
Time for the last review – the NorthWest quadrant.
Dacia, last years winner who donated their reward to charity and will do it again if they will win this year too. Due to the backlash with Turkey NW their chances are less than last year – but they will try 🙂
Statistics from Getter:
SMURFS 146 villages chiefed (Süvari 68) lost 51 (WINter 25), rank 11 attacker, 1 def. Dacia™, 140 villages conquered, 62 lost, friendly cheifings but also from Turkey (37)and Dogma (10), rank 1 off and 26 def. Dacia K 124 cheifed (Turkey 58) 38 lost, rank 31 off 66 def. 777 chiefed 85 (Turkey 57) lost 94 (Winter 53), rank 9 off, 42 def. nPLко lost 42 to Hype and 17 to Uollas. nPL chiefed 159 (Animals 54, Hype 16) lost 195 (Hype 128, Uollas 27)
Questions for NW
- Dacia: You have recently started to attack alliances connected to Uollas meta. Does that means that the war with Turks is finished? How about the war with Union against your southern border and center?
- Your opinion about the other metas? Turkey, Uollas, CUP, IM, Union.
- It doesn’t differs much in size now between the 5 metas that holds a WW. Rank them in the order you think it will end.
- What changes do you think will make the Tournament more fun and challenging?
- Tell us about yourself: male/female, age, profession. How long have you played Travian/Tournament? What do you do when not playing?
- Which character in Games of Thrones should you want to be?
tanathos Dacia T
1. The war with Turks almost not existed. Despite they have big numbers, turks made us no real problems only forced DACIA players to be more active.
Russians on SW border played carefully conquering initial villages moving towards to ww building plan coordinates . They find a strong wall when attacked SMURFS and lost mostly.
Italians sent DOGMA and FC alliances to settle in NW and soon later helped them with massive def when we hit them. Smart move and premeditated before finale started. So now DACIA hit italians to congratulate them.
2.Turks after many years are not yet one force on the finale. Italians talk to much on forums and are very confident after they find himself having a nice meta. Unfortunately Arabs almost does not matter for ww endgame race.
Except polish team who have one of the best team and players I know not so much about SE alliances so i do not pronounce.
Russia will be always Russia. The salt and the pepper in travian, full of surprises.
3. Year after year the question was who between Russia and Dacia will win. I do not see why this year would not be the same.
DACIA will try to win and donate again the prizes for the construction of the first romanian pediatric oncology hospital.
4. Cancel wildcards and we have more interesting qualification servers, we reduce drastically multiacc supports number.
5. I made the first DACIA alliance in 2012 y2.com qualiffy, on 27 febr we celebrate our 7th anniversary.

6. Avatar included in the movie a scary monster called thanator similar to my travian nick maybe GoT will do the same.
cobra11 SMURFS
1.War with turks isn’t finished and won’t be finished until the end of server. There are too many of them and most of turks is too far away from us. But we still receive attacks from them. nPl players have hard time in war against Union that’s for sure. But we are far away from that area so I can’t say much more about that.
2.Turkey… I can’t say much about others, only NW region Turks.
I strongly believe their decision to split up with DACIA meta was a huge mistake. Their conditions for WW made absolutely no sense and it was impossible to make an agreement. By making this decision they reduced the chances of our meta to win significantly, but most importantly they ruined the game for themselves, hence so many of NW Turks deleted.
Uollas. They made couple of nice off operations on RU team, so I admire their bravery, doesn’t matter if some of them were not successful. However I do expect to see more from them in the future, we are yet to see bigger hammers from their team.
Cup and Immortals, personally I do not keep up with all the news about these metas, but judging from reports we see and top alliance in deff/ off it’s clear that they are having a good fight.
Union – old and experienced team, it is very clear that they are the most organized team, players know their roles and what to do , of course it is not with everybody, but the majority are really good players. Expect to see biggest hammers from them in the end game, it’s not a surprise judging by their farm numbers.
4.Changes that would make the tournament more fun would be limitation of fake deff/off and points and farm. Like player Kim war with no one knows who but still nr1 off player in server while staying 330/360 where he’s alone with own alliance. And RU-meta players who is in always in top10 farm. Focus on me with 700kk farm in a week doesn’t farm his ally members at all.
5.My name is Žygimantas. I’m male 22 years old. Working in building materials store as consultant.
I’m playing Travian for about 3 years. last year played in qualifications but didn’t have resolve to play in finals.
This year with some courage from team members decided to give it a try in finals.
When the weather is good I play football and basketball. At winter play video game “League of legends”.
My name is Kestutis. I’m male 29 years old agronomist. This is my 2nd final. Out of game I’m a farmer with 1200 ha territory. I grow several kinds of grains. And remaining time I spend with family.
6.Probably I would be Jon Snow.
Nikita Ufffff
‘1. We dont attacked, so I don’t know what others do.
2. We playing travian on this server like nobody. Play is boring and we don’t want be here.
3. I hope nobody win, but i think Uollas, Dacia, BAD, the Cof, Wallace
4. I think, it is end of travian. I think nothing can help . It’s just about gold and it is technical play.
5. I am a women, 34 years old. Travian player I think 12 years, but it is so long for this game. I am masseur and when I don’t play travian, I live real life.
6. Director This series is not good for me.
Superio VC Czech
The answer. So firstly hi Safiren and readers. To your questions.
1. Yes we had. But the war isn’t finished, I would say that especially for us it is still going from the qualification. But yes, the fights are with more subjects ať the moment.
2. Because of our role this server it is a little bit different. We as a ally are making def and hammers. Last servers we were more active in the center and also we will be next server. Only this is a little bit other. But we are alongside Dacia in meta again. So I respect the other metas, that is all i can say to it.
3. It will be very hard. We make what we can. Last final I will say we will win and yes our meta was first. Yet it will be hard, but we hope and work. We have a good WW building team, we are good and the key will be discipline, def and crop as every year. I don’t give you a ranking this time, sorry 😀
4. It wont be a Classic tournament then but I wanna see a RoA type 🙂
5. I am male, 22, student, sportsman and boxer. I play Travian a long time. Last three years the qualifications and finals regularly and attractive CZ servers, we as a ally are a top ally on RoA servers (Pandora, FaS and co.). I am the leader and founder of Violent Crew (VC), one of the best CZ allies and also one of the allies which our players love and enemy hate, we are a good team and play fair. This round we are only a few. Last years we were in a bigger number (next round we will be in a bigger number again), also I don’t play this round, but I lead the ally traditional. Last years were from me very good from the perspective of an off acc and statistics and next years will be also, this round is other because of less time (time to play and few people only, also because of that we are leading an another CZ server). Next round we will be back and strong. This round we help our meta maximum and to reach the win again.
6. Fuuu, GoT :)) so Robb or Snow. Winter is coming 😉
(not the ally winter :D)
RockNRolla 777
Sorry, but I do not do diplomacy and do not fight with other teams. Our enemies are animals in the oases 🙂
The leaders of Dacia teams can answer these questions.
As for the chances of winning, I think that the Russian team has the best chance.

Turkey wanted to build the primary WW for the Dacia meta even though it was their first cooperation with them. As we know that didn’t happen. Half of them tired and deleted to play other servers. But they still exist out in the boonies and they will probably do their best to disturb Dacia in endgame.
ANIMALS 147 chiefed (mixed) lost 155 (WINter/BAD 86) rank 26 off 3 def. TURKEY lost 118 (777 57).
Questions for NW
- Turks: This Final didn’t start as expected for you and half of you have left the server. Have you started to plan for next Final?
- Your opinion about the other metas? Dacia/Turkey, Uollas, CUP, IM, Union.
- It doesn’t differs much in size now between the 5 metas that holds a WW. Rank them in the order you think it will end.
- What changes do you think will make the Tournament more fun and challenging?
- Tell us about yourself: male/female, age, profession. How long have you played Travian/Tournament? What do you do when not playing?
- Which character in Games of Thrones should you want to be?
deniz çiçek / ANIMALS
1. Not such a big but There is still war between us and winter.
2. To be honest I can’t talk about İM and CUP because I am not fighting against them so I don’t know their operation quality or gaming style,
Uollas ; They act smarter than any other team in final, they are not making unnecessary attacks, they willattack only if it necessary.They are good fighter and we will see their farm quality 🙂
Dacia ; I don’t want to make comment when I can’t be objective. But now my opinion about them: They are good farmer but as we saw they are not fighters.
Union ; Obviously everyone know that they are best in final. but sometimes they don’t act like smartly for the victory.
3. 1-) Union
2-) İM, CUP or Dacia
3-) Uollas (because union will focusing on them more than the others)
4. İf WW villages spawning random coordinates,that will be fun for everyone.
5. My name is deniz cicek , I am 25 years old and I am physicist. I have played since 2008 travian. when I am not playing travian I will read books or playing another game 🙂
6. My favorite character in Games of Thrones “Tyrion Lannister” ..
maskeli süvari / SÜVARİ
1 Our plan for this final is playing defence. We set up for this. After we split up with Dacia things changed, we don’t have much teuton players for building armies so we tried to do something with limited resources. We’re in the middle of Dacia and Smurfs. We did some good defences, bad defences. We’re playing Finals for the first time. I think we learned very much. Some of our players left server, some of them stay bcs they want to see the end.
2. I didn’t know much about these metas as I said we played finals for the first time. Uollas meta have some Turks on it. I wish luck to them, Union have very aggressive players. Immortals is doing everything for ww. I don’t have much to say.
3. I think it will be competition between Union and IM mostly. I give more chance to Union.
4. Those who do not comply with the rules should be given tougher penalties. It will bring game the equality.
5. My name is Yasin. I’m 22 years old. I’m studying Electric Electronics Engineering. I have played travian since 2014. Travian is the game I’ve played for the longest time. Let me introduce you to Süvari alliance. Most of us know each other from real life. Our average age is like 35 + . So we don’t spend so much time in game. We play just for chill and finals are little bit more serious than normal servers. Because of that we didn’t play in finals before. This is our first server.
Which character in Games of Thrones should you want to be?
I don’t have favourite character in Game of Thrones. But i like Natalie Dormer ( Margaery ) 🙂

They have a quite big area up in NorthWest and have been fighting with Dacia. Even if they wanted to stay independent they did donate their artefacts to Uollas.
Dogma cheifed 80 lost 57 ~FC~ cheifed 42, lost 40

ServerDown ~FC~
1. You chose to settle in NorthWest and I have seen reports where you attack Dacia How does the war go?
1.Lucky for us its not a total war.
For our clan size we are not that bad I recon. We are not the only clan against them in the sector that makes it easier.
2. Your opinion about the metas? Dacia, Turkey, Uollas, CUP, IM, Union.
2.I think that Union and Uollas got the quietest round so far and so they had time to build there WW hammers, which will make the differentness to the other Metas.
Dacia is really busy this round and I think they will not make it this year.
To the SE I have no idea, haven’t got a picture about it.
The turk meta…well that was a cool idea with the WW -100/100 it costs Dacia lots of off hammers.
3.It doesn’t differs much in size now between the 5 metas that holds a WW. Rank them in the order you think it will end.
4. What changes do you think will make the Tournament more fun and challenging?
4.The starting Conditions should be the same for all acc on all Server till second villa example: if u get the 50 Culturpoint daily quest on day4, u r way behind…or issue first 10 adventures…. if u get the Adv with the ress at first u r on a better way then to get them later.
5. Tell us about yourself: male/female, age, profession. How long have you played Travian/Tournament? What do you do when not playing?5.
My Name ist Stefan, I’m age of 38, from Austria and my profession is cwc driller.
I start playing finals with the first round ….. that was T3 and with 60k accounts 😀 If I’m not online I’m sleeping. I love to go up mountains , driving motorbike or just chilling in the summer at a lake.
6. Blood Dog