De, Tr and Fr Top10 week 13
Germany Top10 Players Alliances Turkey I should have asked why this Polish village was worth so many hammers. Slowly but steady COF ate their way trough the […]
About Travian, The Tournament.
Germany Top10 Players Alliances Turkey I should have asked why this Polish village was worth so many hammers. Slowly but steady COF ate their way trough the […]
Arabia Top10 week 13 Players I’ve said it before and repeat it again. If you likes raiding yous hall try the Arab qualification. Alliances Russia I had […]
I have some interesting reports from com, for example the Unique trainer that Vietnam captured from Blackjack, a Turkish player holding a WW. Surprisingly low def. Vietnam also payed a […]
I have a lot of reports but still problems to upload them but we will see how it goes. We begins with the third attempt from Turks to get rid […]
A wall built in 3 hour BRL vs ITÆ™ Waves not included Top10 week 12 Players Allys
It’s nice to talk with Arabs, they are always so polite 🙂 Safiren : I’m fine, thanks. I wonder about DM, is they a good enemy or only your farms? […]
No reports from here so we goes straight to Top10 Edit: got reports, COF zeroed 3 PS villages. I guess they also want to show their pretty hammers 🙂 […]
Reports from HUN when their meta chiefed 10 villages from a player in a couple of days. Capital Some of the chiefed villages The account afterwards The […]
Unusual many WWs is taken this year. I’m told that only Cerber is building a serious one. The Russian ally TG-KG, where we can find a dozen players from […]
Even if I have a host on Arabia qual I don’t have much information about what is happening there. It’s rare that I get a talk with them. 3400 players, […]