Top 10 France week 11,12, 13
Week 11 Week 12 Week13 Reports Small architect A lot of scouts found a lot of scouts.
About Travian, The Tournament.
Week 11 Week 12 Week13 Reports Small architect A lot of scouts found a lot of scouts.
Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Turkey has midnight at the same time as Russia so I have to blame the movie for the […]
Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Reports
Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 The movie was too exciting – I didn’t hear the alarm Reports I got this from […]
I need to have fun too and not only observe and that is why I haven’t been here for some weeks 🙂 I have collected the Top10 though but I […]
Portugal, Brazil and Thai The alliances from Portugal/Brazil have the same problem to cooperate as the german alliances. Their biggest disadvantage is that they are spread […]
SPQR SPQR, 11 alliances 325 players. Also supposed to cooperate with China in Final due to NB profile. Artefacts: 12 in total, 7 small, 4 large and […]
Germany Germany is divided into 3 groups. They have given up on the possibility to cooperate. NewOrder and SEK: 2 alliances 89 players. Friendly with SPQR and […]
NB NewBee 12 alliances 285 players. They are building tight in the NE area 0-100 and also in the construction plan/ unique artefacts area in the […]
30 September Well at last =) I’m starting on a new server today too. Time isn’t for sure enough. But that can’t be unknown among Travian players ^^ The […]