The Corner 19 December Part 3


Interviews SPQR

  1. SouthWest is a very interesting quadrant with two strong metas. One old, BAD/Cerber, and one coming back, SPQR, partly new to Tournament. Your opinion about them? How is the war going? Do you have any progress in consolidating your area?
  2. Where do you expect the hardest fight to be (inside quad or  on borders with SE or NW)?
    3. What do you think about the other quadrants? Where will the most interesting war be?
    4. Tell us  about your alliance, style, history your alliance and target on this server                5. Tell us about yourself. How long have you been leader? Name,gender, age, work,hobby

6: Share a song with us 🙂





Trafalgar Law, UollasL, SPQR


  1. Yes, in my opinion SW is the quadrant with the highest level in all the finals, there is a big war between us and BAD/Cerber. The war is going on, we are taking our zones and russia too. Is hard for us and is hard for a meta who conquered 12 or 13 building plans last finals ^^


  1. Of course inside the quadrant!


  1. About the other quadrants … my opinion is that travian is a war game, so first of all I want war in every quadrant, I hate peaceful quadrant in this game, everyone is good to grow in peace, everyone can do big numbers without enemy in the quadrant, everyone can build a record ww hammer. So.. I’m happy that in each quadrant we will see war. I’d say the hottest war is in SW but if I have to choose another quadrant I say SE. I just see stats, I see 100/-100 zone, building plans zones, i see 3 meta inside, i think is enough. NW is easy for Dacia and NE is in shade for now, I hope we will see 7×7 war also there, because my friends, TRAVIAN IS 7×7 WAR.


  1. I think Uollas is one of the strongest group ever, people saw us in 2013 and now see us in this final. Style? Just we have not fear of anybody, for other russians can answer better about our group (meta)


  1. Francesco, from ‘92 , male.




the nerone, INF@SPQR


  1. BAD/Cerber seems very strong opponents and they won last finals so ofc they have all our respect and it’s an honour to meet them here in the quad, Always fun with good opponents. We are doing our best to fight them and there are mains and def dying on both sides every day. Ofc we are trying to protect the “hot” areas, that we do as a united confed.


  1. Right now it’s the borders in the center that is the area with most movements, but I´ll guess it will be the same on all borders where we meet the russians.


  1. Hard to tell right now and I’m not so well informed to give a good answer, I believe it will be a busy server and some hard fights all over 🙂


  1. My alliance (Infinity) are composed by mainly italians, have played  many domestic servers, with or against some of our confeds here on finals 🙂 We have played the com classic before of which we won last 3.6 classic against some of the opponents here on finals, among them PRIME We are ofc here to win!


  1. I’m swedish, female and have been leading some swedish servers and have been part of the italian leader group for some years. I am a nurse as profession, work night shifts so Im very active late at night, can play any tribe or style, its fun changing style from server to server.






Arausium, N.Ø.A. SPQR


  1. I don t think the real war started, as now we can see good reports from the two metas. It s still too soon! Of course we will give our best to play a good server
  2. Are two quadrant with active players, the two quadrant have to fight seriously, and in the two quadrant, for the supremacy, the war is needed
  3. SE, but still soon to say this
  4. NOA is part of italian coalition Uollas, a come back on the finals. Is an ally who goes on since years and years, a group of friends that server by server fought great battles. I m here since only 3 years to be part of NOA. The leader of this ally is my dual, who lead since years and years. We hope to have funny , also our players. To be here is already a good thing for me.
  5. Here there are a female ( Vica ), and to a famale you can’t ask the age


And my dual, Rino, the man of the account, a veteran of the finals ( FUNCOOL 2013/2014 ). We play since over 10 years , together only since 3 years. My dual’s hobby is to ride a bike, we love music, books, art and videogames.


Buongiorno ,

preferisco rispondere in italiano , potrei pure farlo in inglese ma mi servirebbe piu impegno , impegno mi serve pure per scrivere in italiano visto che sono rumena

A ogni domanda ho risposto in basso .Grazie di averci preso in considerazione !


  1. Sud Ovest è un settore molto interessate con due fortissime coalizioni, una vecchia , BAD/Cerber e una che è tornata , SPQR, in parte nuova nel mondiale. Le tue opinioni riguardo loro? Come sta andando la guerra? Avete progressi nel consolidare la vostra area?

Non penso che sia proprio una guerra ben avviata , per adesso , ma dei bei report si vedono da tutte le due parti . Penso sia ancora presto! Sicuro noi faremo di tutto per offrire un bel server.

  1. Dove ti aspetti la guerra più sanguinosa? ( nel tuo settore o nei confine con il sud este e il nord ovest? )

Sono due settori con presenze importante a livello di confederate, penso che tutte i due settori avranno da combattere in maniera seria , e in tutte due settori , per prendere la supremazia si deve guerreggiare a sangue

  1. Cosa ne pensi degli altri settori? dove troveremo la guerra più sanguinosa?

Settore arabo penso , poi e’ tutto da vedere ancora .

  1. Parlaci della tua alleanza, lo stile, la storia e i vostri obiettivi

La N.Ø.A. fa parte della confederata italiana Uollas , vecchia conoscenza sul server finale . E’ un alleanza che va avanti da tanti anni, un gruppo di amici , che server dopo server ha portato avanti grande battaglie . Io ci sono solo da 3 anni e sono molto contenta di farne parte . Il vero capo di quest ally e’ il mio sharer, che la guida da tantissimi anni . Speriamo di divertirci , sopratutto e speriamo di far divertire i nostri player . Essere su un server mondiale e’ già una bel passo avanti per poterlo fare

  1. Parlaci di te stesso, da quanto sei leader? nome, sesso, età, lavoro, hobby

Qui siamo in due, io Vica, femmina , l’eta’ non si chiede mai a una donna e il mio sharer Rino maschio , o come direbbe lui IL UOMO del account , gia veterano sul mondiale . Tutte due giochiamo penso da più di 10 anni , anche se in confederate diverse fine a 3 anni fa.

Di hobby ne abbiamo parecchi la bici , per il mio sharer , musica, lettura, arte, i videogiochi .

  1. Condividi una canzone con noi


Miko, Tuomiopäivä, Ghetto, International, SPQR


  1. Well, those last news of top10 farming Russians getting those resources from their own multis is not putting them to a good light at all. Personally I don’t know them at all as I have only Greeks on my playground.


About Italians.. I started playing with them instead of Russians or other METAs, I think that gives you enough information.


Our war has just started so difficult to say, we destroyed Hellas biggest capital (870 pop) to 250 pop today with very minimal losses so at least we started very well.


  1. If you ask my honest opinion, hardest fights will be held on your only village as I am gonna attack you until you give up to be my farm.


  1. As I am not a META leader, I don’t know anything about other quadrants. SE seems to have lot of accounts so probably we have a nice war there.


  1. Well, we are around 50 accounts, lot of good players and persons, nice to play with them surely. I don’t know if I can say if are we more offensive or defensive, it depends on our area, situation etc. We can be pretty much anything we are wanted to be and we can do it well.


Our target? Make Hellas cry (Even if I think they have been crying since they found out Ghetto is playing against them here as they surely know we are a lot better than them)


  1. Just turned 20-years-old, studying in school of economics. Sports is my whole life, still dreaming and believing my own professional sports career which is more likely to happen soon than ever.


About travian, I have been leading like 1,5 years I guess. National server then qualis and finals, not that much. I am that type of guy who hates to do things like someone else wants to, if I think it isn’t the best way so better to be a leader. You can do things your way 😛




My favourite song when I was 5 yo. Old but gold.




Interviews Russia

  1. SouthWest is a very interesting quadrant with two strong metas. One old, BAD/Cerber, and one coming back, SPQR, partly new to Tournament. Your opinion about them? How is the war going? Do you have any progress in consolidating your area?
  2. Where do you expect the hardest fight to be (inside quad or  on borders with SE or NW)?
    3. What do you think about the other quadrants? Where will the most interesting war be?
    4. Tell us  about your alliance, style, history your alliance and target on this server                5. Tell us about yourself. How long have you been leader? Name,gender, age, work,hobby
  3. 6: Share a song with us 🙂


Alexandr Buch, Psycho, BAD, Russia

1. BAD/Cerber it’s not quite true, as the Ru-team includes also such teams like Hellas and Br.

The war goes pretty well. However, we expected more from italians. They are many, we’re calling them locusts (no offense). Regarding their fortification success, no doubt here. But if at the start italians had a short win due to their massive pushes of the 3-5 accounts a day, later those accounts failed in independent development.


I’d like to say a few words about recent accusations in multying from Italian coalition. All the cases with mults were banned and mults deleted. In general, our bans were far more numerous than for any other team. Third of the bans happened without any crime on the part of the account. And if the italians are so eager to blame us, I could easy show them their own alliances filled with mults organized alphabetically. Or they could also sincerely tell us that they don’t use scripts or bots notifying them about incomings. Here I’d have to laugh hard.

I say this. Personally I do not have any mults. Neither me nor my duals have logged in into other accounts via passwords. We do not use any bots. And yes, we are top farmers.


Deal with it.

2. I think the most difficult fight for us is within the sector. We do not have major interests in the border regions. Those are mostly local wars.

3. I could say where is the most pathetic. It’s the NE. And they will manage even WW to 100lvl.

4. Our alliance is the coalition of several teams and was founded after the finals 2013-14. Sometime we win, sometimes we lose. We are always considered as favourites, what complicates our lives too,

5. To talk about gender in modern times is not considered very tolerant. You’d be blamed across all sexual minorities. But you’ve spoken as a true “white man”. I’m a man, 33 yo, working as a manager of an insurance company.



promter, BAD International, Russia


1. Right, there are some Italians around. But my villages are placed in the way that I border with Poland and VN-Cof more than with the Italians, not to mention my beloved friends from BG502. It’s hard to have an opinion on the Italian coalition yet. I just see some local activities, nothing much. They chief our spawns, we chief theirs. They have their noobs, we have ours. Nothing particular to notice so far.

Surely, we have progress in our area. And those enemies who are still close to our capitals are already assigned and shared among us. Unfortunately, they appear to be not enough to satisfy the needs of all of our simmers.


2. For us i think the most active zone would be closer to the grey area. The central regions of BAD or Cerber have not so many enemies and sooner or later they will be just muscled out. The region of Br though and some our parts along the NW axis are pretty much populated by Italian coalition. That’s the place where I’d expect most of action.


3. I think the bloodiest wars are usually those for a WW area. I don’t see many enemies around our WW or around that of Dacia. So, I’d expect nice fights between Prime and Arabs, as well as between Polish and VN-Cof. If i’m not mistaken they’re trying to fight for the ww at 0/-100. But so far it doesn’t look very active.


4. My alliance is a part of the BAD coalition. Most of the alliance are international players. Our team was known as QuT during the last qualification round. Some players are sticking with this team since several years. Our history includes such alliances like TL, Rev-Karma, DI, Cin.

As a part of Ru-team this year, it comes naturally, that the goal for us is to win.

However, being part of Ru team isn’t that easy, have to say. And the problem isn’t inside. The problem is how you’re seen from outside by those who know you for years in fact. Yes, I am speaking about this recent main stream to scream that all russians are cheaters. Of course we have some cheaters aboard, so do other teams. ALL other teams in fact. Yet no one pays attention to them because those teams don’t take the lead in any of the tops. So, the sad part is that people tend to disregard the years of shared experience in order to join in this “witch hunt”. When all is actually needed is a minute of consideration. Then it will be clear that all the noise is stirred by the players who can’t admit the fact that someone might be better than them.

5. First, I’ve become a defence manager in 2010 and been a leader ever since. Of course I took some pauses from leading, coz I do like to play this game in fact. Playing is, unfortunately, not an option for a coordinator.

Ekaterina, female, 34, no work, no hobby, no life, only travian….




gywechka, MmM BAD, Russia.

1. I can not be objective in relation to BAD)Between us there is an active struggle, I hope BAD will win.

2. Before the fall of the artifacts, I expect that the most active game will be in the center of the sector.

3. I expect that Prime will show a beautiful game in the SouthEast.

4. Our alliance is part of the Russian team. We play together at the World Championships for the second time and are very friendly with each other.

I manage the alliance from the very beginning.

5. My name is Lilia, I’m 26 years old. I’m a philologist. I like to travel and read, I like to play travian)



You floated in the sky , but was lowered to the ground ;

And wounded heart dream become a target ,

But this trick is all broken familiar –

In love, there are millions of uninsured .

Millions of …


They beat us – we fly from pain all of the above ! –

Wing smoothing over his own roof.

They beat us – we fly , we laugh and cry ! –

Leaving the bottom of their failures .

Failure …


Let lie that grows stronger from new betrayals ;

Padded betrayal – not waiting for proof ;

Who lost his wings – afraid to fall in love ,

But I have to climb over the fear of loss .

Climb …


They beat us – we fly from pain all of the above ! –

Wing smoothing over his own roof.

They beat us – we fly , we laugh and cry ! –

Leaving the bottom of their failures .


Flights , flights in bad weather destiny ;

Risk drivers to break free.

To break free !


You floated in the sky , but was lowered to the ground ;

And wounded heart dream become a target ,

But this trick is all broken familiar –

Inlove, there are millions of uninsured .

Millions of …


They beat us – we fly from pain all of the above ! –

Wing smoothing over his own roof.

They beat us – we fly , we laugh and cry ! –

Leaving the bottom of their failures .

Fly … fly … fly …

Goodness and peace to all


Mors, CerbeR, Russia


1) SPQR is a serious opponent, they have strengthened in the region -100|0, and they are currently active with combat operations near the gray zone.

2) Most likely, the war inside the sector will be the more dominant fight for us, as both SE and NW have enough of their own conflicts.

3) The oppositions of Dacia and Winters on NW look interesting, and the situation on SE of Turkish and Arab accounts is very high, but the Poland and Prime + ХЗ are much better organized.

4) CerbeR formed after the second championship, it was a time of great changes for the team. The team is great, and I’m proud to play here. Purpose of our Alliance are to provide an interesting game for our players, and of course a victory for the team.

5) I’ve been one of the CerbeR coordinators for several years. Name – Daniil, age – 22, working QA engineer.



Sture, Def&Dest, Sweden, Russia.


  1. Muscles are not made from spaghetti, I think SPQR will learn a hard lesson.


  1. Around center, for unique arts and later for building plans.


  1. Answered above


  1. We are a scandinavian ally (mostly swedish) and we have played at the final since 2012, our goal is to have fun, play well and win the server.


  1. I’m Sture, 60 years old and my work and hobby are computers

I have been a leader at the final for about 5 years




valparaiso. BGM, Bulgaria, Russia


  1. – I’m a grand new leader so I might be not the best person to answer. In addition I missed the latest 2 TT…

But I like Cerber team – the friends of mine feel good here. They are sure there is no alliances or accounts that are privileged. As soon as you get something promised to you – you are sure it will happen. I was impressed how they settled us.

  1. – Grey zone. everyone will fight for it.
  2. – SW. Arabs against Poland and Prime. Or may be some NAP there? IDK.
  3. – It’s a huge challenge for me. Our target is to have huge accounts with 25-30 villages close to the BP and 750K+ pretorians for WW each. During the server time we have to help the guys by building large treasuries, to feed diets, etc, etc.

When I read this in the first time I said no… it’s not possible… but after this I met 2 ladies that have tested this during the qually and OMG – they showed logs with achieved targets…

  1. I told you about my very short leader experience ) We are several teenagers that want to help Bulgarian ally as much as we can and to have fun. 16 years old, studying, sorry – my name is Mario. )



Cheers from Bulgaria!


Lipa, Disco, Russia


1.I think in  South-West  war will continue with varying degrees of success, as both coalition strong enough and have endless imagination in messages to Multihunter


  1. The hardest struggle is always around their villages)
  2. Other quadrants are also quite interesting, but nonetheless an interesting war will be the North-West in my opinion.
  3. Our Alliance played under different names, was not one server. The purpose of our alliance to help in building  with WW to russian team. We will be happy to put  deff on a russian WW.
  4. I lead alliance for the second time, before long I learned from my predecessor, who, unfortunately, retired. My name is Tasha, I am 40 years old (soon also to retire), I work as the manager of the household and cross stitching in her spare time.




Good luck.

May the force be with us!


  1. Юго-Запад очень интересный сектор с двумя сильными коалициями. Один старый, BAD/Cerber, и один вернулся назад, SPQR, частично новый для турнира. Ваше мнение о них? Как идет война? Есть ли у вас какие-либо успехи в укреплении вашего района?

Я думаю на юго-западе война будет идти с переменным успехом, так как обе коалиции достаточн сильны и обладают неистощимой фантазией для писем мх.


  1. Где вы ожидаете будет самая тяжелую борьба (внутри сектора или на границах с ЮВ или СЗ)?

Самая тяжелая борьба идет всегда вокруг своих деревень)

  1. Что ты думаешь о других секторах? Где будет самая интересная война?

Другие сектора тоже достаточно интересны, но тем не менее интересная война будет СЗ по моему мнению.

  1. Расскажите нам о вашем альянсе, стиле, истории вашего альянса и цели на этом сервере

Наш альянс под разными названиями прошел уже не один сервер, команда сыгранная. Цель нашего альянса помочь в постройке чуда русской команде. Мы с удовольствием поставим на русское чудо деф.

  1. Расскажите о себе. Как долго вы руководите? Имя,пол, возраст, работа,хобби

Я руковожу альянсом во второй раз, до этого долго училась у моего предшественника, который, к моему великому сожалению, ушел на пенсию. Меня зовут Таша, мне 40 лет (тоже скоро на пенсию), работаю я менеджером домашнего хозяйства и вышиваю крестиком в свободное от работы время.


6: Поделитесь песней с нами



Да прибудет с нами сила!



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